P.S I've decided that Mayanaise is what people from Mayo are called.

My online diary is now open for business!!!

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Flute Exam!!

I did my flute exam today! It was really scary! The examiner was trying to be friendly, and meant well but her big open smiles and heavy make-up just made me even more nervous! I mean, wouldn't a lady with drawn on eyebrows, bright reddy-purply lipstick, and big black 80's glasses scare you! LOL!
Anyway, I got through it without having a nervous breakdown, so that's a good thing. The rest of it.... well... it went...OK! Yeah! I went ok! I messed up on my sight reading, and one of my scales but the rest was ... passable. Or was it?! LOL!
My flute teacher said I did well (YAY!) but I'm really happy that it's over.
This morning the removal dudes came to move all our stuff from the house(No turning back now!) AND the buyers came to pick up their new keys. They are practically pushing us out of the door! I mean we got a letter in the post for them and they didn't even have the keys yet.... well it is their house.
Now that I've moved in with my Nan's, I'm a lot more relaxed. But we still have a lot to do before we move. :-(

Signing off while eating Lindor chocolates,
Olivia xx

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