P.S I've decided that Mayanaise is what people from Mayo are called.

My online diary is now open for business!!!

Thursday, 31 July 2008

New puppy, new friends, new house!!!

So. Many of you know that I now have a dog that I rescued from the center. We decided to call her Blue, and we have no idea what breed she is. The vet reckons she has Springer Spaniel in her but, to us, she's a total International dog of mystery. She has huge paws so she will be a big dog. Blue is only 3/4 months and she is already the size of a small adult dog i.e Jack Russell. She is a typical baby; chews alot, sleeps alot, pees alot. She bites too, but only because of exuberance. I've taught her to sit, lie down, come, stay and she knows her name & all of her nicknames; Bluebie, Bluey, Blubbit, Dog etc. Blue is a real handful, but I have to admit, she's alot of fun!
Lately I've made two friends who live on the estate: Mikey and Keaton.
Mikey is 12 and has recently moved to Castlebar. He has alot of brothers and sisters. Keaton is 11 and from Manchester. Occasionally Keaton knocks for me and we go for a ride on the bikes. We take Blue sometimes, and try to tire her out. She absolutely adores Keaton and gets all excited when he rings the door bell. Awwww!
Now that Blue is in our lives, we desperately need a garden! This house we were supposed to be building doesn't look at all promising so we searched for another place to rent. We found a 6 bedroom dormer bungalow for long-term rent in Knock. We saw the house and saw its potential. The Landlady is allowing us to redecorate. Yay! So work has started and we are due to move in on the 15th August.
I'm looking forward to unpacking!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes... puppies need gardens... and LOTS of patience.

but in the end they're worth it.